This project was completed in the Aesthetics of Design course at CU Boulder. I originally set out with the goal of creating wearable technology that encouraged interaction using strategically colored LEDs. This, however, became ill-advised once social distancing practices were implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I then pivoted to create wearable technology that discouraged contact. This was done by changing the color of a shirt when contact is detected with a capacitive touch sensor. The shirt color changes agian when the contact ends.
A red flashing warning is given when you shake hands, high five, or fist bump with someone else. The above video is the initial prototype. The final artifact encloses the LED’s in a thin fabric. Therefore, when the lights are not on, it has the appearance of a normal shirt.

The following video demonstrates the functionality of the final artifact.
For more information on the project progression, including presentations given throughout the semester, please reference the Aesthetics of Design blog.